So…Happy New Year!

So…have you made your resolutions?  Have you broken them yet?  Lol…I remember for years…I’d become so frustrated with every thing, every January…I’d start afresh.  I figured…a new year would give me a new opportunity to get it right.  What I failed to realize though and didn’t come to understand until MUCH later, was that EACH DAY is a new opportunity to get it right.

I haven’t made New Year’s Resolutions in about 6 years.  The last time I did.  They were things like…”I’m going to procrastinate more this year.” or “I’m going to not make any goals so I won’t fail.”  Yeah..mmm hmm…that was smart.  The one time I kept my resolutions…lol..But not making goals is a guarantee to fail!  Fail at what you ask?  EVERYTHING!  Because you haven’t made your goals, or set up any plans, you can’t accomplish ANYTHING you’re purposed to do!

Anywho….I said all that to say that I don’t make resolutions for the new year.  I try to make the best of each day I’m given.  As such, it makes sense to plan for the day.  I think that doing so gives you a purpose and at the end of the day, a sense of accomplishment.

While I don’t make resolutions, last year my pastor challenged us to focus on one word.  The teachings are Biblical and are based on a book called My One Word by Mike Ashcroft and Rachel Olsen.  On the website, it says to lose the list of resolutions and “do something about one thing this year instead of doing nothing about everything.”  You choose one word that represents what you hope God will do IN you.  That is so important.  So many times we try to do things on this journey on our own and that’s not what God wants of us.  He wants us to come to Him and let His purpose for our lives be realized.  Each day is another opportunity to get it right.  EACH DAY…not just the start of a new year!

Last year, my word was FOCUS.  I posted it on the wall in my bedroom above my work station next to my vision board.  It was accompanied by 7 scriptures.  Now, in this photo, you can’t see the specific photos…but you can see how it was set up.  There, just above my computer.

Focus WallThere, while hating my job, while being in near tears daily, I was able to focus. and understand that it is not all about me!  I changed my view of the world and began to see it from a Biblical perspective.  In addition to that wall, I had people from all sides encouraging me and helping me.  When I heard this word in my spirit as the one for me…I thought it meant that I was going to be more focused and stop being so scatterbrained.  Not quite how it worked.  I stopped looking at my outward changes and focused more in inward changes.  I changed my focus.  Did my situation change?  No.  Not at all.  But the way I felt about it changed.  The way I dealt with it changed.  MY FOCUS CHANGED!  I stopped dreading going to work.  I realized that while I may not feel like that is my purpose, I was there for a purpose.  Once I embraced that, I stressed less.

So for this year…I’ve chosen the word PERSEVERE.  I learned that word in 6th grade.  My English teacher said that it meant to “keep on keeping on”.  It’s stuck with me all this time and that word means so much.  But this year…instead of one word, another has dropped into my spirit alongside persevere.  That word…is DREAM.  I have my scripture references just working on my visual representation.  I don’t know how these words are going to play out, but I am thoroughly excited to see what happens!

So…what would your one word be?  Change your life.  Go to the website.  Get the book.  Learn.  Surrender to God’s will.  See how He can do a work in you.  Are you ready?

Happy New Year!  Here’s wishing you God’s best for your best year ever!

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Until next time,

Hakuna Matata

7 thoughts on “So…Happy New Year!

  1. Pingback: So…Kimyatta, Kimyatta, Where Art Thou? | So Says Kimyatta

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